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Turning objectives into reality.​​

At 1.6 PERMANENT SOLUTIONS, our mission is clear: to empower our partners throughout their purchasing, marketing, maintenance, and development processes, guiding them towards sustainable growth aligned with both present needs and future aspirations.

We offer a comprehensive suite of innovative solutions tailored to retailers and specialized industries, each designed with sustainability and long-term success in mind. Backed by our dedicated and passionate team, we provide the flexibility and mobility necessary to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of business.

Together, let's turn objectives into reality, building a future that is not only profitable but also responsible and enduring. 

Act Today for Sustainability. See our section here.

Giving your concept is fullest

Our customers are looking to fulfil their conceptions. We empowers our teams to create the most relevant solutions.

We have one goal in mind, the customer satisfaction.

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